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Research Interests

Broadly in commutative algebra and invariant theory; some keywords are positive characteristic techniques, determinantal rings, local cohomology modules, linkage, and residual intersections.

Publications and Preprints

10. Symbolic powers of the generic linkage of maximal minors
with Matteo Varbaro
preprint., 25 pp.
9. F-purity and the F-pure threshold as invariants of linkage
preprint., 23 pp.
8. On the natural nullcones of the symplectic and general linear groups
with Yevgeniya Tarasova and Uli Walther
Journal of the London Mathematical Society.,Volume 11 (2025), e70078, 31 pp.
7. Linkage and F-regularity of determinantal rings
with Yevgeniya Tarasova
International Mathematics Research Notices. Volume 11 (2024), pp. 9323 - 9339.
6. Counting geometric branches via the Frobenius map and F-nilpotent singularities
with Hailong Dao and Kyle Maddox
Nagoya Mathematical Journal. Volume 255 (2024), pp. 724 - 741.
5. When are the natural embeddings of classical invariant rings pure?
with Mel Hochster, Jack Jeffries, and Anurag K. Singh
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. Volume 11 (2023), Paper no. e67, 43 pp.
4. Homological properties of pinched Veronese rings
with Kyle Maddox
Journal of Algebra. Volume 614 (2023), pp. 307 - 329.
3. Cohomological dimension of ideals defining Veronese rings
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Volume 149, no. 4, (2021), pp. 1387 - 1393.
2. A Dedekind domain with nontrivial class group
with Sagar Shrivastava and B.Sury
The American Mathematical Monthly. Volume 125, Issue 4 (2018), pp. 356 - 359.
1. On the prime ideals of C[0,1]
Reasonance (Indian Academy of Sciences). May (2016), pp. 439 - 446.